Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Vocabulary notebook 1-4

oVocabulary Notebook 1.
Exercise 1)
1. My father drives badly
2. My best friend can be very mean.
3. My boss is an extremely rude person.
4. I was pretty unhappy in school.
Exercise 2)
1) I have a pretty quiet voice.
2) My mother is extremely undemanding.
3) I'm usually early for appointments.
4) My brother eats very slowly.
5) I think English is difficult .
6) My sister and I have opposite tastes.
Exercise 3)
1. patient-impatient
2. honest-dishonest
3. friendly-unfriendly
4. compotent-uncompotent
5. organized-disorganized
6. healthy-unhealthy
7. reliable-unreliable
8. considerate-unconsiderate
Vocabulary Notebook 2.
Exercise 1)

A) be- was/were- been
do- did- done
go- went- gone
see- saw- seen
drink- drank- drunk
sing- sang- sang
drive- drove- driven
write- wrote- written
eat- ate- eaten
give- gave- given
fall- fell- fallen
take - took - taken
break- broke - broken
choose - chose - chosen
speak - spoke - spoken
wake - woke - woke
get - got - gotten
forget - forgot - forgotten
B) find - found - found
have - had - had
hear - heard - heard
keep - kept - kept
leave - left - left
make - made - made
meet - met - met
read - read - read
say - said - said
sell - sold - sold
sit - sat -sat
buy - bought - bought
catch - catch - catch
teach - teach -teach
think - thought - thought
C) become - became - become
come- came- come
run - run - run
cut - cut - cut
hurt- hurt- hurt
put - put - put
Vocabulary Notebook 3.

Exercise 1)
1) Sydney Harbour bridge

2) Sydney Opera House
3) Lake Eyre
4) Blue mountains
5) Tasmania island
6) Pacific ocean
7) Darling river
8) Melville island
9) Great Sandy desert
Exercise 2)
Bay => nothing ; cliffs => many cliffs located in my country ; coral reef => nothing ;
glacier => many glacier located in my country ; jungle => nothing
peninsula => nothing ; valley => nothing ; waterfall => one waterfall located in Arkhangai aimag.

/Checkpoint 1-3/
Exercise 1)

1. eats slowly                                                                                   right
2. listens carefully                                                                             right
3. can draw really good                                                                    right
4. doesn't get upset easily                                                                 right
5. feels badly if he can't do a job properly                                         right
6. tries hardly to be on time for appointments                                    right
Exercise 2)
A) Have you ever seen someone famous?
B) Yes, I have. I saw Jennifer Lopez last July.
A) You did? That's amazing! Where did you see her?

A) Have you ever eat something unusual?
B) Yes, I have. I eat Tiger's meat last year.
A) You did? That's amazing! where did you eat?
Exercise 3)
Natural features                                                                                  Buildings and structures
volcano-mt.Fuji                                                                                  Eiffel Tower
Longest river- Nile, Amazon                                                               White castle
Exercise 4)
1. I've heard
2. Have you?
3. the coolest
4. i saw
5. always
6. we really should
7. I've ever seen
8. atleast
9. incredibly
10. we sure did
Exercise 5)
1. the tallest          2. the coolest            3. best             4. most expensive       5. most delicious
6. the worst          7. the busiest
Exercise 6)
extremely generous
pretty disorganized
very impatient
incredibly talented
totally reliable
really arrogant
Vocabulary Notebook 4.

1) My grandfather => was interested in old carsused to drink milk, used to wear hat, always listened to radio

2) a. My father=> was interested in fast cars, used to drink juice, used to wear his work form, always listened to music
b. My mother=> was interested in art, used to drink juice, used to wear uniforms, always take a cake.
3) adopted - urchlegdsen, ex-husband - huuchin nohor, separated - salangid tusdaa, single parent - gantsaaraa ger bul

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