Thursday, April 28, 2011

The restaurant I like...

There is a popular Zochin Buuz on Peace Avenue. This is almost the most popular fast-food restaurants in the Mongolia

The Mongolians have perfected the cooking methods by utilising various techniques, including boiling, frying, drying, steaming and smoking.

- Buuz - meat-filled dumplings, generally steamed
- Bansh - dumplings boiled in water
- Khuushuur - dumplings which are deep fried in mutton fat
- Khorkhog - pieces of mutton, cooked with vegetables in a sealed milk can over preheated stones
- Boodog - similar to Khorkhog, except cooked in a stomach cavity of a goat
- Urum - clotted cream
- Byaslag - cheese
- Arrul - dried curds
- Mongol Arkhi - milk liquour

I went to this fast-food-restaurant two weeks ago.  There were so many people back then, so I thought I would go out in no time.
But a friendly staff came to me and said "sit here please."  I did what she said and looked at the menu. I was really hungry and I tried their brand soup "Zochin shol" and a cup of tea.  
   Soon my orders came and I ate it quickly and asked staff how much was my bill.  I paid 3000tugrugs. 
Later, I thought Zochin Buuz was quite good restaurant I had ever visited.
Firstly, they have friendly staffs and clean tables,warm atmosphere.
Secondly, It should have a bigger menu and place.
Thirdly, They should try some music and fast services.
However, Good restaurant should be like Zochin Buuz on Peace Avenue, I think.
FInally, They should improve chef's skills so it's going to become much more popular.
This report is written by Lkhagvaulzii. On 4th of April

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